HAPPY 2020

Hi there! I thought I would pop a quick message to wish everyone a happy new year! I didn't bother making any New Years resolutions but I have decided to try not to get worked up about things I have no control over! I have some very exciting plans and projects going on this year not only on my little online world but with my home and family life too! I can't wait to share it all with you lovely lot so make sure you are staying tuned! I hope you all had a lovely Christmas? We did but it was so busy we feel like we spent hardly any time in our own home. Next year we are already planning a much slower more relaxed Christmas Day at home with the kids!

Now I can't believe it's almost the end of January! Everyone says how slow this month goes but I think it's flown by this year.. I hope every has a had a good start!

Stay updated by subscribing and I look forward to sharing some exciting plans with you



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