Media Kit

Want to get in touch? 

the little lo down is written by Lauren Martin.

Contact me at...

Instagram : @thelittelodown

Want to work with me?

Collaborations and Campaigns 

For collaborations, campaigns, brand partnerships and sponsored content please contact thelittlelodown6@gmail.com . 


I am always open and excited to try new brands, so if you think I would like your product please email me thelittlelodown6@gmail.com to request my postal address. 


I love attending events and always enjoy receiving these invitations. contact thelittlelodown6@gmail.com


Please note all views and opinions are my own. I will only publish honest opinions of products I am truly happy with. I will only feature products, services or products which I genuinely love, as part of collaboration or previously discussed. I am always truly grateful to each and every offer I receive and I will always make it clear when products or services are sponsored.

General Inquiries

For any quick general inquiries fee free to drop me an email or send a DM via Instagram 

Featured post

Salted Caramel Cake

Salted caramel cake 125g dairy free butter (I use vitalife) 125g self raising flour ( use gluten free if you are intolerant) ...

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